Help my children to get out of Gaza ساعدوا أطفالي


Help my children to get out of Gaza ساعدوا أطفالي
اسمي هاديه بكر عمري 29 عام أم لأربعة أطفال تغيرت حياتي منذ ال 7 من اكتوبر 2023 نزحت وتركت منزلي في شمال قطاع غزة ولجأت الى الجنوب كما طلب منا جيش الاحتلال وانا تركت المنزل خوفا على أطفالي نزحت مرات عديدة وعانينا كثيرا انا وزوجي لتوفير حياة آمنة وجيدة لأطفالي ولكن لم استطع حمايتهم من طائرات الاحتلال وصواريخهم في يوم 5/10 /2024 نزحت من رفح الى الزوايدة ولم اكن اعلم اني انقل أطفالي الى الخطر في منتصف الليل قام جيش الاحتلال بإستهداف منزل مجاور للمنزل الذي نزحنا اليه وانهدم البيت فوق رؤوسنا ونحن نيام تم دفن أطفالي تحت انقاض المنزل قام زوجي من تحت الركام وأخذ يحفر في الرمال والركام ويرفع الحجارة ليخرج أطفالي 4 اطفال دون العاشرة يصرخون ويبكون أخرجني يا بابا الحقني يا بابا أصبح كالمجنون يحفر ولا يشعر بلهيب الحجارة والركام نتيجة القصف ولا برأسه المفتوحة نتيجة الاصابة لقد احتاجت رأسه الى مايقارب 6 غرز طبية في وسط الرأس فقط يفكر بأطفاله أخرج ابنائي الاربعة مصابين ينزفون ويبكون خائفون ومصدومون مما حدث وتم نقل اطفالي الى مستشفى شهداء الاقصى لتلقي العلاج وبالرغم من انعدام الامكانيات والادوات الطبية تم معالجة اطفالي منهم من احتاجت جروحه للغرز الطبية بدون مخدر هل تتخيلون ان يتم تخييط الجروح بدون مخدر لطفل يبلغ من العمر 5 سنوات لقد شق قلبي صوت صراخ طفلي والطبيب يخيط جراحه وهل تتخيلون أطفالي مصابون ملقون على الارض لعدم كفاية أسرة المستشفى ما ذنب أطفالي ليعيشوا هذا الألم كانت اصابات اطفالي متوسطة لكن اصاباتهم النفسية كانت صعبة جدا عانى أطفالي من الجروح والحروق والرضوض المختلفة نتيجة سقوط الركام والحجارة فوقهم وعانينا من النزوح المتكرر في الخيام وعانينا من حر الصيف وحرارة الخيام البالية وعانينا برد الشتاء الآن وغرق الخيام ناهيكم عن الأسعار الفلكية للطعام والشراب أريد أن اعود الي منزلي والى حياتي قبل 7 اكتوبر ارجو منكم مساعدتي لأخرج بأطفالي خارج قطاع غزة ولتأمين حياة كريمة لأطفالي ولإتمام معالجتهم خارج القطاع أتمنى منكم المساعدة My name is Hadia Bakr, I am 29 years old, a mother of four children. My life has changed since October 7, 2023. I was displaced and left my home in the northern Gaza Strip and sought refuge in the south, as the occupation army asked us to do. I left the house for fear of my children. I was displaced many times and my husband and I suffered a lot to provide a safe and good life for my children, but I could not protect them from the occupation aircraft and their missiles. On May 10, 2024, I was displaced from Rafah to Al-Zawaida. I did not know that I was taking my children to danger. In the middle of the night, the occupation army targeted a house adjacent to the house to which we were displaced. The house collapsed over our heads while we were sleeping. My children were buried under the rubble of the house. My husband got out from under the rubble and began digging in the sand and rubble and lifting stones to get out my children, four children under the age of ten. They were screaming and crying, “Get me out, Dad! Save me, Dad!” He was digging like a madman, and he did not feel the flames of the stones and rubble as a result of the bombing, nor his head being open as a result of the injury. He only thought about his children. He got out my four children, injured, bleeding, crying and afraid. We were shocked by what happened and my children were transferred to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital to receive treatment. Despite the lack of medical capabilities and tools, my children were treated, some of whom needed stitches without anesthesia. Can you imagine stitching wounds without anesthesia for a 5-year-old child? The sound of my child screaming while the doctor stitched his wounds broke my heart. Can you imagine my children lying injured on the ground because there were not enough hospital beds? What is the fault of my children to live this pain? My children's injuries were moderate, but their psychological injuries were very difficult. My children suffered from wounds, burns, and various bruises as a result of rubble and stones falling on them. We suffered from repeated displacement in tents, the summer heat, the heat of the worn-out tents, and the cold of winter now, with the tents flooding, not to mention the astronomical prices of food and drink. I want to return to my home and to my life before October 7. I ask you to help me get my children out of the Gaza Strip and to secure a decent life for my children and to complete their treatment outside the Strip. I hope you will help me.

$0 raised Of $20,000

From Crisis to Hope: Help Evacuate Nourhan Family


From Crisis to Hope: Help Evacuate Nourhan Family
I am Nourhan, I live in Gaza, Palestine I have three children and their names Juri is 8 years old Joan has a 6 year old Silla is one year old Our life was beautiful before the 7th of October, before the war, and there were many dreams and ambitions about my future and the future of my three children, but as you know, after the 7th of October, the war began in my sad city of Gaza, and living became very difficult. There is no small food and no shortage in life The war has been going on for 170 days My children missed a full year of school without compensation this year My Life Before The War : I was living a nice life until the 7th of October, in our sweet home with my family in peace I have a good relationship with all people around me I had nothing to warry about. Why I Request the Donation : I want to escape every day. I wake up and I cannot believe that my family and I are still alive. I say in my mind that we have survived for one more day now. So, my hope is to left the war my family, ant to leave Gaza I have to bay all fees and costs. Please help me collect the application fees and travel costs for me and my family. How Your Donations Will Be Used (cost breakdown) : The People in Gaza are asked to pay a fees of 5,000 dollars per person even kids asked to pay a fees of 2,500 dollars in order to cross Rafah border and entered to Egypt, in addition to the cost of traveling, so please see the following breakdown of the required fund: - The estimate cost of the coordination in Rafah board is 5 5,000$ for me Norhan 5,000$ for my husband 2,500$ for Juri 2,500$ for Joan 2,500$ for Silla

$0 raised Of $25,000