Lebanese Cadets: Aid Displaced Families in Shelter

Solidarity with Lebanon

Lebanese Cadets: Aid Displaced Families in Shelter
The Lebanese Cadets NGO has been officially tasked by the Mohafez of Mount Lebanon and the Disaster Management Room (DMR) to manage eight shelters across the region, providing vital assistance to displaced families during this critical time. What We Do: • Shelter Management: As the designated organization for these shelters, we ensure safe and efficient operations for displaced families. • First Aid & Medical Support: Our trained medics offer emergency care and essential first aid services to those in need. • Food & Essentials Distribution: We provide daily meals, clean water, hygiene products, and essential items to thousands of people. • Crisis Response: With a team of certified responders—including firefighters and search-and-rescue teams—we are always prepared for emergencies. • Community Empowerment: We are also launching Community First Responder (CFR) training to teach critical life-saving skills to residents of the shelters. Why Your Support is Crucial: The needs are immense, and we cannot do this alone. To continue providing these services, we are launching a fundraising campaign to secure essential supplies, medical aid, and operational support. How Your Donations Help: • $50: Provides a family with food and hygiene supplies for one week. • $150: Funds first aid and medical supplies. • $500: Supports one day of operations at a shelter, including hygiene, drinking water, and resources. • $1,000 and more: Ensures critical logistical support, relief goods, and shelter management for multiple shelters. Target Funding: We aim to raise $50,000 to cover our operational costs for the next two months. Your donations will directly fund food, medical aid, and essential supplies for thousands of displaced individuals. Your contribution will ensure that the Lebanese Cadets continue to serve these vulnerable communities with the resources and care they desperately need. Thank you for standing with us. #LebanonWar2024 #SupportLebaneseCadets #HelpDisplacedFamilies #CommunityResilience #DonateNow

$25 raised Of $50,000

Displaced Lebanon: Food, Hygiene & Mental Support

Solidarity with Lebanon

Displaced Lebanon: Food, Hygiene & Mental Support
* WHY SUPPORT? FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN SCOPE * NAHNOO Association is raising funds to provide internally displaced families in Beirut, Lebanon, with essential food assistance and mental health services, helping them recover from the traumatic impacts of displacement caused by the Israeli war. Your contributions will directly support hundreds of families seeking refuge in public spaces and collective shelters in Beirut by providing: - Hot meals, food parcels, and essential hygiene kits - Mental health support through psychosocial activities, with a special focus on children’s well-being - Educational assistance to help children continue their learning Every contribution, no matter the size, will make a significant impact. Let’s work together to support as many people as possible—every donation counts! * HOW CAN YOU HELP? * Financial donations can be sent via the Fundahope platform but also: - OMT/Western Union to "Mohammad Ghassan Ayoub” / +961-3-077-059" - Tap Tap Send to “Mohammad Ghassan Ayoub” / +961-3-077-059 - Via bank transfer: To NAHNOO Association BLOM Bank IBAN: LB59 0014 0000 4502 3532 4233 1914 Swift: BLOMLBBX For In-Kind donations (for example: food ingredients, canned food, kitchen equipment & supplies, hygiene items…), please contact us on: +961-70-791-629 * MONITORING & TRANSPARENCY PRINCIPLES * - NAHNOO will track all expenses and keep documenting its actions to post on its social media platform regularly - NAHNOO will publish on its website and email each donor a monthly account of the use of donated funds and the impact reached. - NAHNOO is coordinating with the Disaster Risk Management center and Emergency Unit put in place by the Municipality of Beirut to ensure efficiency of assistance delivery. *A BIT ABOUT NAHNOO* NAHNOO is Lebanese youth-led non-profit organization registered since 2013 working towards an inclusive society in Lebanon. Our effort and activities are shaped to enhance social cohesion and reduce discrimination through the promotion of public spaces, good governance, arts & cultural heritage and local development. Using a scientific and participatory approach we target youth and local communities to foster their leadership and active citizenship, eventually becoming change-makers in their communities. We invite you to check out our: - Website: www.nahnoo.org - Facebook: www.facebook.com/nahnoo.org - Instagram: www.instagram.com/nahnoolb

$5,075 raised Of $110,000

Hammana Solidarity with displaced families

Solidarity with Lebanon

Hammana Solidarity with displaced families
We are a group of residents from Hammana, a village located in the Lebanese mountains, just 45 minutes from Beirut. In response to the urgent need to assist displaced families, we have come together to provide essential support, including hot meals, clothing, hygiene products, etc… Currently, approximately 1 million persons have been displaced from their homes in the South, Beirut and Bekaa, and the situation appears to be ongoing. As winter approaches, the demand for assistance will only increase, necessitating the provision of blankets, warm clothing, heaters, and shelter for those still living on the streets. At present, we are serving around 300 meals per day. Your contribution can significantly aid our efforts to continue providing food and to establish a fully equipped kitchen in the school that serves as a shelter for 300 individuals. Every day we learn about various people and initiatives across the country that require support. We strive to assist everyone, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, ensuring that our efforts are inclusive and compassionate. In these times, not everything is dark, there is an amazing solidarity movement happening on the ground here, join this chain from where you are, spread our call, share it, contribute, and keep talking about what is happening! Thank you Hammana Solidarity Group FRANÇAIS : Nous sommes un groupe de résidents de Hammana, un village situé dans les montagnes libanaises, à 45 minutes de Beyrouth. Face à l'urgence d'aider les familles déracinées par la guerre, nous avons uni nos forces pour offrir un soutien essentiel : des repas chauds, des vêtements, des produits d’hygiène, etc. Aujourd'hui, près d’un million de personnes ont dû quitter leurs foyers dans le Sud, à Beyrouth et dans la Bekaa, et la situation va probablement se prolonger. L'hiver approche, apportant avec lui des besoins toujours plus importants: couvertures, vêtements chauds, chauffages, et abris pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore de refuge. En ce moment même, nous préparons 300 repas par jour. Avec votre aide, nous pourrons non seulement continuer à nourrir ces familles, mais aussi installer une cuisine équipée dans l’école qui sert aujourd'hui de refuge, et permettre que chacun puisse y trouver un peu de chaleur et réconfort. Chaque jour, on nous informe d’initiatives et de familles à travers tout le pays qui ont besoin de soutien. Nous travaillons pour venir en aide à tout le monde, sans distinction de nationalité ou d’origine, dans un esprit de solidarité inclusive et bienveillante. Dans ces temps plus que difficiles, une solidarité lumineuse s'épanouit ici, sur le terrain, comme une chaîne qui ne cesse de grandir. Où que vous soyez, vous pouvez en être un maillon. Partagez notre appel, contribuez, et continuez toujours à parler autour de vous de ce qui se passe ! Merci ESPAÑOL: Somos un grupo de residentes de Hammana, un pueblo ubicado en las montañas del Líbano, a solo 45 minutos de Beirut. En respuesta a la necesidad urgente de asistir a las familias desplazadas, nos hemos unido para proporcionar apoyo esencial, incluyendo comidas calientes, ropa, productos de higiene, etc. Actualmente, aproximadamente 1 millón de personas han sido desplazadas de sus hogares en el sur, Beirut y Bekaa, y la situación parece que se alargará. A medida que se acerca el invierno, la demanda de ayuda solo aumentará, lo que hará necesario proveer mantas, ropa de abrigo, calefactores y refugio para aquellos que todavía viven en las calles. En este momento, estamos sirviendo alrededor de 300 comidas al día. Tu contribución puede ayudar significativamente a que continuemos proporcionando alimentos y a establecer una cocina completamente equipada en la escuela que sirve como refugio para 300 personas. Cada día conocemos a diversas personas e iniciativas en todo el país que necesitan apoyo. Nos esforzamos por ayudar a todos, independientemente de su nacionalidad o etnia, garantizando que nuestros esfuerzos sean inclusivos y compasivos. En estos tiempos no todo es oscuridad; hay un asombroso movimiento de solidaridad en marcha aquí. Únete a esta cadena desde donde estés, difunde nuestra llamada, compártelo, contribuye, y sigue hablando sobre lo que está ocurriendo! Gracias, Hammana Solidarity Group CATALÀ: Som un grup de residents de Hammana, un poble situat a les muntanyes del Líban, a només 45 minuts de Beirut. En resposta a la necessitat urgent d’assistir les famílies desplaçades, ens hem unit per proporcionar suport essencial, incloent-hi àpats calents, roba, productes d’higiene, etc. Actualment, aproximadament 1 milió de persones han estat desplaçades de les seves llars al sud, Beirut i la Bekaa, i la situació sembla continuar. A mesura que s’acosta l’hivern, la demanda d’ajuda només augmentarà, fet que farà necessari proveir mantes, roba d’abric, calefactors i refugi per a aquells que encara viuen als carrers. Ara mateix, estem servint al voltant de 300 àpats al dia. La teva contribució pot ajudar significativament a continuar proporcionant menjar i a establir una cuina completament equipada a l’escola, que serveix com a refugi per a 300 persones. Cada dia coneixem diverses persones i iniciatives arreu del país que necessiten suport. Ens esforcem per ajudar tothom, independentment de la seva nacionalitat o ètnia, garantint que els nostres esforços siguin inclusius i compassius. En aquests temps, no tot és foscor; hi ha un increïble moviment de solidaritat en marxa aquí. Uneix-te a aquesta cadena des d’on siguis, difon la nostra crida, comparteix-la, contribueix i continua parlant del que està passant! Gràcies, Hammana Solidarity Group ITALIANO Siamo un gruppo di residenti di Hammana, un villaggio situato sulle montagne libanesi, a soli 45 minuti da Beirut. In risposta all'urgente necessità di assistere le famiglie sfollate, ci siamo uniti per fornire supporto essenziale, tra cui pasti caldi, vestiti, prodotti per l'igiene, ecc... Attualmente, circa 1 milione di persone sono state sfollate dalle loro case nel sud, a Beirut e nella Bekaa, e la situazione sembra destinata a continuare. Con l'avvicinarsi dell'inverno, la richiesta di assistenza non farà che aumentare, rendendo necessaria la fornitura di coperte, vestiti caldi, riscaldatori e un riparo per coloro che vivono ancora per strada. Attualmente, serviamo circa 300 pasti al giorno. Il tuo contributo può aiutare in modo significativo i nostri sforzi per continuare a fornire cibo e per creare una cucina completamente attrezzata nella scuola che funge da rifugio per 300 persone. Ogni giorno veniamo a conoscenza di varie persone e iniziative in tutto il paese che necessitano di supporto. Ci impegniamo ad assistere tutti, indipendentemente dalla nazionalità o dall'etnia, assicurando che i nostri sforzi siano inclusivi e compassionevoli. In questi tempi, non tutto è buio, c'è un incredibile movimento di solidarietà che sta avvenendo qui, unisciti a questa catena da dove ti trovi, diffondi il nostro appello, condividilo, contribuisci e continua a parlare di ciò che sta accadendo! Grazie Hammana Solidarity Group

$15,633 raised Of $50,000