Together Towards Lebanon


Together Towards Lebanon
اهلاً بكم في مدرستنا، مدرسة خرّجت أجيالاً عديدة. تقع مدرستنا في القاع، على الحدود اللبنانية- السورية في منطقة نائية. تسعى مدرستنا الى تطوير قدراتنا ودعمنا على كافة الصعد. لذا، ساعدتنا لنكون ضمن مشروع العمل التعاوني المدرسي الذي تأسس كمشروع تعاون بين التعاونيات الإيطالية في ترنتو Cooperazione Trentina. وأسسنا ضمن هذا المشروع تعاونيتنا الخاصة التي تهدف الى تسليط الضوء على الأماكن السياحية المهملة في لبنان. في الفيديو، نصطحبكم في رحلتنا مع عينك على بلدك، وهي تعاونية مدرسية مخصصة لعرض المناطق السياحية الأقل شهرة في لبنان. تتألف حملتنا من مبادرتين مهمتين: الأولى تتضمن زيارة هذه الأماكن غير المعروفة لالتقاط مقاطع فيديو مذهلة سيتم مشاركتها لاحقًا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي. نحن نؤمن بأن هذه المواقع تستحق أن يراها الجميع ويقدرونها، ونحن ملتزمون بتسليط الضوء على جمالها. بالإضافة إلى عرض هذه الجواهر المخفية، فإننا ملتزمون أيضًا بالحفاظ على البيئة. وبينما نستكشف هذه المناطق، سنقوم بحملات نظافة وسنحفز الأولاد الآخرين على المحافظة على النظافة. ومن خلال القيام بذلك، فإننا لا نحافظ على نظافة هذه المناظر الطبيعية فحسب، بل نساهم أيضًا في حماية البيئة. ولتحقيق مهمتنا، نسعى إلى جمع 5000 دولار. كل مساهمة ستحدث فرقاً في جهودنا لإبراز جمال لبنان الخفي وحماية بيئته. انضم إلينا في هذه القضية المهمة وكن جزءًا من شيء مميز حقًا. Welcome to our school, a school that has graduated many generations. Our school is located in al-Qaa, on the Lebanese-Syrian border in a remote area. Our school seeks to develop our capabilities and support us at all levels. It helped us to be part of the school cooperative program that was developed after a methodology created by the Cooperazione Trentina (Italian cooperation in Trento). As part of this project, we established our own cooperative that aims to highlight neglected tourist places in Lebanon. In the video, we take you on our journey with your eye on your country, a school cooperative dedicated to highlight on the less familiar tourist areas of Lebanon. Our campaign consists of two important initiatives: the first involves visiting these little-known places to capture amazing videos that will later be shared on social media platforms. We believe that these sites deserve to be seen and valued by everyone, and we are committed to highlighting their beauty. In addition to displaying these hidden gems, we are also committed to preserving the environment. As we explore these areas, we will conduct cleaning campaigns and motivate other children to keep the places they visit clean. By doing so, we not only keep these landscapes clean, but we also contribute to protecting the environment. To achieve our mission, we seek to raise $5,000. Every contribution will make a difference in our efforts to highlight Lebanon's hidden beauty and protect its environment. Join us on this important cause and be part of something truly special. Instagram page: Facebook page:

$1,550 raised Of $5,000

حملة إغاثة لمساعدة النازحين من الجنوب


حملة إغاثة لمساعدة النازحين من الجنوب
منذ الثامن من اكتوبر حتى اليوم، نزح ما يقارب ٩٠ الف عائلة من جنوب لبنان. تزامن ذلك مع ضعف شديد في الاستجابة من معظم الجمعيات المحلية و الدولية إلى جانب صمت مريب عن اطلاق اي مبادرات لدعم النازحين. هذه العائلات التي تعيش سواءا في مراكز الإيواء او الشقق المستأجرة تعاني من ضغوطات اقتصادية و معيشية شديدة. لذلك تطلق مبادرة "ارض و ناس" حملة تبرع لمساندة أهلنا المهجرين من الجنوب عبر تمويل حصص غذائية او مساعدات نقدية مباشرة. حيث تهدف هذه التبرعات إلى دعم صمود الآلاف من السكّان. إلى جانب ذلك ستقوم الحملة بالإضاءة على أحوال أهلنا و الصعوبات التي يعانون منها وسط تعمية اعلامية شبة كاملة. Since October 8th until today, approximately 90,000 families have been displaced from southern Lebanon. This coincided with a severe lack of response from most local and international associations, alongside a suspicious silence regarding the launch of any initiatives to support the displaced. These families, whether living in shelters or rented apartments, are suffering from severe economic and livelihood pressures. Therefore, the "Ared w Nas" initiative is launching a donation campaign to support the displaced people from the south by financing food rations or direct cash assistance. These donations aim to support thousands of residents. Additionally, the campaign will shed light on the conditions of our people and the difficulties they are facing amidst near-complete media blackout.

$1,910 raised Of $10,000

Karma - Let their best memories be tomorrow


Karma - Let their best memories be tomorrow
Karma is a Lebanese NGO advocating for equal access to the basic human right of healthcare for children. Karma’s mission is to support the treatment of vulnerable pediatric patients with cancer and thalassemia in Lebanon. To date, Karma has supported the treatment of more than 120 children with cancer and 130 children with thalassemia. Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that causes chronic anemia. Patients require life-long blood transfusions among other medical services necessary to keep them in good health and prevent complications of the disease. Left untreated, the life expectancy of a thalassemia patient drops significantly. Since June 2023, Karma delivers comprehensive multidisciplinary care to 90 vulnerable children with Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia in Lebanon. Karma’s aim is to increase their chances of survival, prevent complications of the disease, and improve the quality of their lives. Karma free of charge services include covering the cost of hospitalization for phenotyped blood transfusions at Elias Hrawi Governmental Hospital in Zahle, organization of blood donation campaigns in partnership with the Lebanese Red Cross, distribution of medications, granting transportation allowance for the families, and referrals for medical consultations. Today, Karma is asking for your support to be able to sustain this project, and continue delivering the care necessary for our little patients’ survival and growth, hoping that their best memories will be tomorrow.

$7,988 raised Of $150,000

Support Patricia & Elie rebuild their home


Support Patricia & Elie rebuild their home
Dear friends, family and kind supporters, In a heartbeat, dreams built over years of hard work can be shattered. This harsh reality has struck my sister and her family. On Sunday 17 March, the house of Patricia Nawar & Elie Hayek on the southern Lebanese border was destroyed. Their cherished home which they have worked years to build was mercilessly torn apart by the ravages of a war they were never involved in. Imagine the sheer devastation of waking up to find that the home you've poured your blood, sweat, and tears is reduced to rubble in mere seconds. For Patricia, Elie and their children, this nightmare became a heart-wrenching reality. The sanctuary where they planned their futures with their two kids is now a haunting memory, buried beneath the debris of conflict. But amidst this devastation, there is hope. Your generosity can be help them rebuild their lives and dreams from the ground up, brick by brick. Your contribution will not only provide Patricia and Elie with the tangible resources they need but also with a glimmer of hope in a very dark time of their lives. Let us stand together as a community and show Patricia and Elie that they are not alone in this journey. Every dollar you donate will be a testament to our collective compassion and resilience, reminding them that brighter days lie ahead. Together, we can help Patricia and Elie rebuild the life they once knew. Your support will make a world of difference in their journey towards healing and restoration. Thank you for your unwavering compassion and generosity. Patricia Nawar & Elie Hayek's relatives """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Chers amis, familles et généreux contributeurs, Le rêve construit après de très dures années de travail peut être anéanti en une fraction de seconde. C’est cette dure réalité qui a frappé ma sœur et sa famille le dimanche 17 mars. La maison de Patricia Nawar et Elie Hayek, située à la frontière sud du Liban, a été complètement détruite. Cette belle maison, construite au fil des années et achevée il y a 9 mois seulement, a été impitoyablement démolie par les ravages d’une guerre dont ils n’étaient pas impliqués. Imaginez la dévastation et l’incompréhension de se réveiller un matin en découvrant que ce dont vous avez tant rêvé et construit par des années de travail, d’austérité et d’économies, a été démoli en une fraction de seconde. Malheureusement, pour Patricia, Elie et leurs deux enfants, ce cauchemar est devenu une réalité déchirante ce dimanche 17 mars 2024. Cette belle demeure où ils avaient planifié leur avenir n'est plus qu'un mauvais souvenir, enfoui sous les débris du conflit. Refusant de céder à haine et à la rancœur, au milieu de cette dévastation, cette famille veut garder espoir. Votre générosité pourrait les aider à reconstruire leur vie et leurs rêves à nouveau, brique par brique. Votre contribution ne leur fournira pas seulement les ressources dont ils ont besoin, mais aussi une lueur d'espoir et de courage inépuisables dans cette période très sombre de leur vie. Soyons solidaires et montrons à Patricia et à Elie qu'ils ne sont pas seuls dans cette épreuve. Chaque centime renforcera leur résilience collective et leur stoïcisme, leur rappelant que des jours meilleurs les attendent. Ensemble, nous pouvons participer à reconstruire ce qu’ils ont perdu. Merci pour votre soutien et votre générosité. Les proches de Patricia Nawar et Elie Hayek

$11,000 raised Of $55,000