Join the Fight Against Cancer


Join the Fight Against Cancer
I am Issam (Alias), a 33-year-old Mass Communication graduate and a dedicated social activist from the vibrant city of Tripoli, Lebanon. I am reaching out to you with a plea for support in the face of a relentless battle against cancer that has disrupted not only my life but also the lives of my beloved wife and two-year-old child. In 2017, my life took an unexpected turn when malignant cancerous tumors were discovered throughout my body. The ensuing three-year treatment journey was very hard, but with the combined power of radiation and immunotherapy, I won the battle. The unwavering support of friends played a pivotal role in my successful return to health. As fate would have it, in early 2023, a familiar and unwelcome presence reappeared— the tumors under my arm and near my neck reappeared. The fear returned, and a renewed battle against cancer began. The widespread nature of the disease forced me to cease working, impacting not only my physical and psychological well-being but also the daily lives of my family at home. Chemotherapy and radiation, though initially promising, offered limited improvement. It was the transition to immunotherapy, specifically the medication Opdivo, that brought about a remarkable positive change. The tumors began to shrink, and hope was revived. However, the cost of this lifeline is staggering. In Lebanon, a single dose of Opdivo amounts to $4,300, while in Turkey, the same medication is available at $2,000. Opting for treatment in Turkey is a viable option to mitigate the financial burden and secure the required doses. I urgently need six doses within the next three months, with the possibility of adjustments based on my doctor's recommendations. These doses of Opdivo are not just medication; they are my ticket to reclaiming a normal life, rejoining the workforce, and providing for my family's needs. The toll of this illness extends beyond the physical; it has left me isolated from society, distanced from my family, and burdened by the unspoken truth with my aging parents in Syria. Their fragile health and financial constraints make it impossible for me to share my condition with them, adding an emotional weight to an already challenging journey. Your support in securing these vital doses of medication is not just a contribution; it is a lifeline, a beacon of hope in the fight against the regrowth of tumors and a return to stability. Please join me in this battle. Your donation, no matter how big or small, will make a difference in my journey to reclaim a life free from the shadows of cancer. Thank you for your kindness, compassion, and support.

$0 raised Of $12,000

Saving Simon's Second Chance


Saving Simon's Second Chance
Dear Friends, Family, and Kindhearted Strangers, We need your help to make a difference in the life of Simon El Haddad, a 64-year-old man facing the battle of a lifetime against Multiple Myeloma cancer. Over the past three months, Simon has been unable to receive the crucial treatment he desperately needs due to the unavailability of the medication from the Ministry of Health. Tragically, the inability to access these life-saving medications has caused the cancer percentage in Simon's body to skyrocket from 10% to a critical 90%. This dangerous escalation underscores the urgency of our mission to help Simon secure the treatment he requires. Simon's Story: A Fighter's Journey Simon El Haddad is not just a statistic; he's a father, a husband, and a cherished member of our community. His journey has been marked by resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Simon's battle with Multiple Myeloma has already been an uphill struggle, and the recent setbacks have only intensified the challenges he faces. Despite the odds stacked against him, Simon remains a pillar of strength for his loved ones. His courage is inspiring, but now he needs our collective support to turn the tide on this devastating disease. Our Call to Action: We are launching the "Saving Simon's Second Chance" campaign to raise funds for the urgently needed medical treatment that will give Simon a fighting chance at recovery. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, brings us one step closer to securing the treatment that can potentially save Simon's life. Your generous donations will directly fund the required medication, medical consultations, and associated expenses. Together, we can ensure that Simon receives the care he deserves and improve his chances of overcoming this life-threatening illness. How You Can Help: 1. Donate: Contribute to the campaign and make a tangible impact on Simon's journey to recovery. Every dollar counts, and your generosity can make a significant difference. 2. Share: Spread the word about Simon's story and our campaign on your social media platforms. The more people who hear about it, the greater the chances of reaching our fundraising goal. 3. Support: Offer your words of encouragement and solidarity to Simon and his family. Your emotional support is invaluable during this challenging time. Simon's fight is our fight, and together, we can rewrite the ending of this story. Let's join hands to give Simon the second chance he so rightfully deserves. Thank you for being a beacon of hope in Simon's journey to recovery. With heartfelt gratitude, Nicole, Simon's Daughter 71616553

$0 raised Of $100,000

Support Green Track ♻️😔


Support Green Track ♻️😔
🚨 أزمة عاجلة! نحتاج إلى مساعدتكم! قد واجهت Green Track تحديات عديدة بنجاح في طريق تحقيق مهمتها في فرز وإعادة تدوير المواد القابلة لإعادة التدوير و المساهمة في حل جزء من أزمات النفايات في لبنان والحفاظ على البيئة. استطعنا خلال السنوات الماضية للوصول لتجميع و تخفيف ٣٠ طن شهريا بالفترة الأخيرة، كما أن خدماتنا كانت و لا تزال مجانية للأفراد، و يعمل لدينا حاليا ١٨ عاملة و عامل! مع ذلك، نجد أنفسنا الآن في وضع صعب بسبب أزمة طارئة! تعرضت مستودعاتنا للفيضان بارتفاع منسوب المياه. وما أدّى ذلك الى خسائر كبيرة في المعدات والمواد القابلة لإعادة التدوير. نحتاج دعمكم الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى. نناشدكم بالتبرع حتى نتمكن من إعادة تنظيم مستودعنا ومواصلة مهمتنا البيئية الحيوية. كل تبرع صغير يحدث فارقًا كبيرًا. دعونا نتحد للتغلب على هذه الأزمة والمضي قدمًا نحو مستقبل أكثر استدامة. شكرًا لكم على دعمكم الكريم! 🌍💚 🚨 Urgence ! Nous avons besoin de votre aide ! Green Track a réussi à relever avec succès de nombreux défis pour atteindre sa mission de tri et de recyclage des matériaux recyclables, contribuant ainsi à résoudre une partie des crises liées aux déchets au Liban et à préserver l'environnement. Au cours des dernières années, nous avons réussi à collecter et à réduire 30 tonnes mensuellement. Nos services sont gratuits pour les individus, et nous employons actuellement 18 travailleurs. Cependant, nous nous trouvons actuellement dans une situation difficile en raison d'une crise d'urgence ! Notre entrepôt a été inondé en raison de la montée des eaux de crue, entraînant d'importantes pertes d'équipement et de matériaux recyclables. Nous avons besoin de votre soutien maintenant plus que jamais. Nous vous exhortons à faire un don afin que nous puissions réorganiser notre entrepôt et poursuivre notre mission environnementale vitale. Chaque petite contribution fait une grande différence. Unissons-nous pour surmonter cette crise et avancer vers un avenir plus durable. Merci pour votre généreux soutien ! 🌍💚 🚨 Urgent Appeal for Support: Rebuilding GreenTrack Warehouse After Devastating Flood In the wake of a catastrophic flooding incident that recently befell our GreenTrack warehouse, we find ourselves at a crucial juncture where your support can make a profound impact. The facility has incurred substantial losses, with machinery and goods submerged, resulting in extensive damage. This unforeseen disaster has not only affected our operations but has also dealt a blow to the livelihoods of those connected to GreenTrack. We appeal to both relevant authorities and the vibrant youth community to join hands in helping us navigate through this challenging period. Rebuilding GreenTrack is not just about resurrecting a warehouse; it's about revitalizing a hub of commerce, innovation, and employment. Your assistance will not only contribute to the restoration of machinery and goods but will also aid in reinstating jobs for many who depend on the thriving ecosystem that GreenTrack sustains. We understand the importance of community involvement, and we believe that through collective efforts, we can turn this setback into an opportunity for growth and resilience. Whether through financial contributions, volunteering, or spreading awareness, every form of support is a step toward a stronger, more resilient GreenTrack. Let us unite to overcome adversity and rebuild GreenTrack into a beacon of hope and progress. Together, we can demonstrate the power of community and emerge from this crisis stronger than ever. ❤️

$0 raised Of $20,000

Stem cell infusion surgery.


Stem cell infusion surgery.
[FR] Ghazale : Un combat désespéré pour la survie au Liban Ghazaleh, 65 ans, mène un combat désespéré contre le cancer du sang. Dans le système de santé en ruine du Liban, elle a besoin d'urgence de 28 000 $ pour une perfusion de cellules souches vitales à l'AUBMC. Ghazaleh, célibataire et sans enfants, a perdu son emploi à cause de sa maladie. Sans aucune épargne ni assurance, elle se trouve face à une dure réalité. Ce traitement est sa seule chance de guérison. Le temps presse. Avec votre soutien, Ghazaleh peut recevoir le traitement crucial de 19 jours à l'AUBMC et avoir une chance de se battre pour sa vie. Chaque don, grand ou petit, la rapproche de la santé. Veuillez faire un don aujourd'hui et faites la différence entre la vie et la mort pour Ghazaleh. ———————————— [EN] 65-year-old Ghazaleh faces a desperate fight for survival against blood cancer. In Lebanon's collapsing healthcare system, she urgently needs $28,000 for a life-saving stem cell infusion at AUBMC. Ghazaleh, single and without children, lost her job due to her illness. With no savings or insurance, she faces a grim reality. This treatment is her only chance for recovery. Time is of the essence. With your support, Ghazaleh can receive the crucial 19-day treatment at AUBMC and have a fighting chance at life. Every donation, big or small, brings her closer to health. Please donate today and be the difference between life and death for Ghazaleh.

$1,760 raised Of $28,000