Stem cell infusion surgery.


Stem cell infusion surgery.
[FR] Ghazale : Un combat désespéré pour la survie au Liban Ghazaleh, 65 ans, mène un combat désespéré contre le cancer du sang. Dans le système de santé en ruine du Liban, elle a besoin d'urgence de 28 000 $ pour une perfusion de cellules souches vitales à l'AUBMC. Ghazaleh, célibataire et sans enfants, a perdu son emploi à cause de sa maladie. Sans aucune épargne ni assurance, elle se trouve face à une dure réalité. Ce traitement est sa seule chance de guérison. Le temps presse. Avec votre soutien, Ghazaleh peut recevoir le traitement crucial de 19 jours à l'AUBMC et avoir une chance de se battre pour sa vie. Chaque don, grand ou petit, la rapproche de la santé. Veuillez faire un don aujourd'hui et faites la différence entre la vie et la mort pour Ghazaleh. ———————————— [EN] 65-year-old Ghazaleh faces a desperate fight for survival against blood cancer. In Lebanon's collapsing healthcare system, she urgently needs $28,000 for a life-saving stem cell infusion at AUBMC. Ghazaleh, single and without children, lost her job due to her illness. With no savings or insurance, she faces a grim reality. This treatment is her only chance for recovery. Time is of the essence. With your support, Ghazaleh can receive the crucial 19-day treatment at AUBMC and have a fighting chance at life. Every donation, big or small, brings her closer to health. Please donate today and be the difference between life and death for Ghazaleh.

$1,760 raised Of $28,000

“A heart pump is my Lifeline.”


“A heart pump is my Lifeline.”
Dear friends, I am reaching out to you today with a heavy heart and a plea for help. My dad, who is only 50 years old, is facing a tremendous battle against his failing heart. His heart muscle is incredibly weak, functioning at a mere 15%. It breaks my heart to see him suffer, knowing that he desperately needs a heart transplant to have a chance at a healthier life. Due to the unavailability of a donor at present and the critical condition of my father, it has been decided to proceed with the placement of a heart pump. LVAD= left ventricular assist device. We are at a crossroads, filled with uncertainty and fear. The weight of this situation is overwhelming, and we are in desperate need of support and assistance. The cost and complexity of the placement of a heart pump are immense, and we cannot face this journey alone. I humbly ask for your help, whether it is through financial contributions, spreading awareness, or connecting us with potential resources. Any assistance, no matter how small, will make a meaningful difference in my dad's life and our family's well-being. Please, let us come together as a community, as friends, and as compassionate human beings. Let us rally around my dad, offering him the hope and strength he so desperately needs. Together, we can make a difference, and together, we can give my dad a fighting chance at a better tomorrow. Thank you from the depths of my heart for your kindness, empathy, and support. Your generosity will forever be engraved in our hearts, and we will be eternally grateful. With love and gratitude, Nathalie Roy Abou Antoun ‼️‼️ The LVAD machine has been secured. We still need $55,000 ‼️‼️

$8,975 raised Of $55,000

Help Ivy Get the Surgery She Needs to Walk Again


Help Ivy Get the Surgery She Needs to Walk Again
I have a heartfelt request for you. An extraordinary individual, truly a fighter in life, and his dog, are both going through an incredibly tough time. Marcelino's dog, Ivy (10 years old, female), practically his baby, is suffering from severe paralysis in both her legs and urgently requires surgery. However, he cannot afford the costs of the necessary scans, surgery, physical therapy, and medication. He needs assistance in covering these expenses, and together, we can make a profound impact on both their lives. Ivy is a beautiful dog with a sweet personality. She's intelligent, playful, sensitive, protective, and loving. At 10 years old, she has been Marcelino's cherished companion, his family, and his support system since he was a teenager. Despite the challenges Marcelino has faced, Ivy has consistently brought a smile to his face, given him hope to persevere, and reminded him of his love for nature, exploration, and play. Unfortunately, in the last few weeks, Ivy's left leg started to lose strength until it became completely paralyzed, and now her right leg is also paralyzed. She can no longer walk, isn't eating, is dealing with incontinence, and is in extreme pain. The last 2 pictures slightly depict the beginning of her paralysis. We did not want to place very disturbing images online, so Marcelino may share more pictures and videos if asked. Marcelino Bitar, a 26-year-old Lebanese working student, is like a brother to me and has one of the purest hearts I know. He is currently striving to continue his education in agricultural engineering while grappling with the escalating costs of living in crisis-stricken Lebanon. Marcelino is already heavily burdened with rent, tuition, transportation, medication, and other fees that have become exorbitant due to inflation in our country. As Ivy is considered a severe case, she requires surgery to remove the herniated disc material and relieve pressure on the spinal cord. The surgeon mentioned that she will likely need post-surgery physical therapy and rehabilitation to regain strength and mobility. The estimated costs of scans, surgery, physiotherapy, and medicines will likely range from 1500 to 2000 USD. While we do not know the exact amount yet, we have set 1700 USD as our target. Marcelino cannot afford these costs, and I am unable to support him on my own, which is why we need your help. I understand that we can't solve every problem, but I am determined to launch this small initiative to support my friend, who has always been there for me and countless others in times of need, and to help Ivy walk again because I can't even begin to convey the amount of suffering she's in. Your support, no matter how big or small, will make an immediate and significant difference in their lives. Please join me in standing by Ivy and Marcelino during this heavy period of need. Your contribution will not only impact their lives but also serves as a testament to human solidarity and our ability to stand by one another in times of need. Thank you. Note: Marcelino has given his consent to share the above information and also to share his contact details with anyone who requests it.

$540 raised Of $1,700