Circus For The Displaced Children Of Artsakh


Circus For The Displaced Children Of Artsakh
I am Paramaz Garabet Yepremian, the founder of Circus Hub, specializing in designing and manufacturing circus props, teaching circus arts, and performing. In response to the aftermath of the Artsakh war in 2020, I initiated a successful crowd funding campaign. This enabled me to travel from Lebanon to Armenia, conducting 12 circus art workshops and reaching 250 displaced children in December 2020. Building on that success, I extended my efforts to the Martakert region in Artsakh in September 2022, where I provided circus art workshops to children affected by the conflict. Despite numerous organizations addressing basic needs, there's a gap in providing essential play and education for these displaced children. In light of the current situation, where the entire Armenian population was deported from their homeland Nagorno Karabakh during the month of September 2023. With 26,400 children and their families in urgent need, I've committed to reaching out to 250 displaced children in Armenia and provide circus art workshops and shows. "Play is a universal language that transcends borders and heals wounds. In times of trauma, circus arts becomes a powerful tool for resilience. They instill confidence, foster creativity, and provide a safe space for expression. By supporting this campaign, you're not just funding my costs of travel in this trip; you're investing in the well-being and future of these resilient children." The funds raised will cover my travel expenses from Lebanon to Armenia and transportation within the country to reach children scattered across various regions. All campaign details and updates will be posted on an event page where you can follow and stay up to date: Facebook event page: (Donate Now to Help Bring Circus to The Displaced Children of The Artsakh War) For more information or inquiries, please reach out to me via email or WhatsApp. Contact details: [email protected], 0096181245146. You can also connect on Facebook (Paramaz Yepremian), Instagram (circus_hub), and visit our website at Your support can bring hope and joy to these children through circus art workshops and shows.

$5 raised Of $1,000

Help me to get back my normal life


Help me to get back my normal life
Two and a half years ago, I was involved in a car accident that resulted in a severe spinal cord injury at the C6-C7 level. This accident left me tetraplegic, meaning I lost mobility and sensation in both my upper and lower limbs. Since then, I've been on a challenging journey of rehabilitation and recovery. In Lebanon, where I currently reside, I've been receiving treatment and therapy for my spinal cord injury. However, the progress has been slow, and I'm at a point where the treatment costs have become overwhelming. The medical facilities in Lebanon, while providing essential care, may not have the advanced equipment and specialized expertise that could significantly improve my chances of recovery. I've been presented with an opportunity to continue my rehabilitation in Turkey. Turkish medical facilities are renowned for their state-of-the-art equipment and experienced professionals, which offer a better chance for recovery and regaining some level of independence. However, the cost of this treatment is beyond what I can afford, given the financial strain this situation has placed on me and my family. This chance to continue my recovery in Turkey is crucial for me to return to a more normal life. It's a beacon of hope after years of suffering and adaptation to my changed circumstances. I'm reaching out to friends, family, and my community for support, whether it's through emotional encouragement or financial assistance. Your support will make an enormous difference in my journey towards recovery and regaining my independence.

$20 raised Of $100,000

Help Prisoners get life-saving medication


Help Prisoners get life-saving medication
Amidst the multiple crises plaguing Lebanon, new challenges continue to emerge, compounding the struggles of incarcerated individuals and depriving them of one of their fundamental rights: access to healthcare and medication. As if the situation could not have been worse for people in overcrowded prisons in Lebanon, medical personnel have been on a strike and no medication is available. This issue is exacerbated in most Lebanese prisons, where inmates suffering from mental health issues have had to face their mental hurdles alone in the absence of the proper medication. Today, a growing number of people are being denied the medication they need which could worsen their mental health status and obstruct them from having an effective rehabilitation process that could help them reintegrate into society. Ignoring this fact and turning a blind eye to their plight would render us complicit in their demise. We cannot stand idly and watch as their rights are being violated. Mental health is as important as physical health and should be treated as such. More than ever, these people need our help and sense of collective humanity. To this end, the Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH) is launching a fundraising campaign with a mission to provide these individuals with the urgent medical care they need and unequivocally deserve. Our immediate goal is to secure the monthly medication required for 60 prisoners suffering from mental health issues and disorders, totaling approximately 420 boxes of various medications every month. Donate now to ensure that incarcerated individuals receive the life-altering medication they urgently need. Your donation can make a significant impact and help an individual with severe mental health issues get on the right path towards recovery and engage in society as an active and productive individual. Together we can make a difference. في خضم الازمات المتعددة التي يواجهها لبنان اليوم، تظهر عواقب جديدة تحول دون تأمين حقوق السجناء الأساسية وأهمها حقّ الحصول على الرعاية الصحية والأدوية في السجون. بالإضافة إلى سوء الأوضاع التي يمرّ بها المعتقلين والتي لم نشهدها سابقاً، إنّ الطاقم الطبي في معظم السجون اللبنانية أعلن الاضراب المفتوح ولم تعد العديد من الأدوية الأساسية متوفرة. فتتفاقم اليوم أوضاع السجناء الذين يعانون من اضطرابات نفسية. وإثر ذلك، يواجه هؤلاء السجناء مشاكلهم النفسية من دون تلقي علاجهم الموصوف. اليوم، ازداد عدد السجناء المحرومين من الأدوية التي هم بأمسّ الحاجة اليها. وقد تزداد حالتهم سوءاً ان لم يتلقوا علاجهم الموصوف، كما قد يقف ذلك في وجه عملية إعادة التأهيل الضرورية للانخراط بالمجتمع من جديد. فغض النظر عن هذه المأساة يجعلنا جميعاً شركاء في الجريمة التي تُرتكب بحقهم. لذا لا نستطيع أن نبقى مكتوفي الأيدي أمام خرق فاضح لحقوقهم. إنّ الصحة النفسية لا تقل أهمية عن الصحة الجسدية، وينبغي التعامل معها على هذا الأساس. اليوم أكثر من أي وقت مضى، هؤلاء الأفراد بأمسّ الحاجة إلينا، إلى انسانيتنا ومساعدتنا غير المشروطة. لذا، أطلق المركز اللبناني لحقوق الانسان حملة تبرع تهدف إلى تأمين الرعاية الطبية العاجلة التي يحتاجها السجناء ويستحقونها بشكل قاطع. يتمثّل هدفنا الطارئ بتأمين احتياجاتهم الطبية لشهر كامل، أي حوالي 420 علبة أدوية قد تغير مجرى حياة حوالي 60 سجين. تبرّع واسمح للمركز أن يؤمن لهؤلاء السجناء الأدوية التي هم بأمس الحاجة إليها، فقد تحدث مساعداتك تغيراً جذرياً في حياة هؤلاء السجناء وتساهم بمساعد أفراد يعانون من اضطرابات نفسية، على سلك الطريق الصحيح نحو التعافي والانخراط بالمجتمع كأفراد منتجة وناشطة. معاً نستطيع إحداث تغيير في حياتهم.

$0 raised Of $10,000