support and save a whole family from a big problem


support and save a whole family from a big problem
My family and I seek help from God and then from you. My family and I are in a very big problem. We are a family of five boys and a girl and my father and mother, (my eldest brther is 38 years old, suffers from epilepsy (nervous convulsions) and does not work because of his illness, and two of my brothers and sister, ages 30, 28, 26, they are from special needs, they have a motor disability and also have epilepsy and take a lot of medications, and my younger brother is still studying in high school. My father is 67 years old and my mother is 57 years old and they do not work, and my mother helps my brothers and sister. I am 32 years old and I work in the field of contracting and finishing. We recently entered into a project in the field of contracting with the money we had, but we lost our money, which forced us to take loans from some banks and money from some people but we were unable to pay. Now (my father, mother and brother) have court rulings against them because of these debts and these loans. And I couldn't satisfied with my needs and the needs of my family due to the difficult living conditions and high prices in Egypt. ((Everything I said is documented with evidence, documents and court rulings are available))) My family and I are going through very difficult circumstances. We are mentally tired and our circumstances are very, very difficult. (((we need your support to improve the family's situation, pay off their debts, help them live in peace, and start a business project that helps them survive))). I hope to God and to you that you help us and save us from all these problems and these debts. Please help us and I hope that you will kindly extend assistance to me and my family by helping us pay off these loans and debts and save my family. I hope that you will look at my request with compassion, mercy and acceptance.

$0 raised Of $100,000

Ripe of change The film


Ripe of change The film
It is finally happening after 3 years of preparations. Hi everyone, my name is Antoine Fadel, and i am the Director of the film "Ripe for Change." I am seeking your support in financing my feature film. Amidst the challenges that face our region, especially Lebanon, and the struggles we endure, particularly the financial ones, the film industry also really needs your help. I believe stories should never stop being told as this is where we bring visions to life, leave messages for future generations, and make people believe in something greater. This is where real change happens. And so, I am asking for your support to help me bring this Lebanese story to life. The film industry, like many others, is currently facing significant challenges, and your help can make a real difference. This film is planned to be shot entirely in Lebanon in October, featuring a Lebanese cast and crew. Themes of greed, fear, death, differences in mentalities, and love, portrayed with a fun twist, are central to the story set in a typical Lebanese village. Stories should never stop being told; this is where we bring visions to life, leave messages for future generations, and inspire people to believe in something greater. Real change happens here, and we must never give up. The total budget of the film for 2 months of filming and production is $280,000, which includes : - actors' fees - production fees - editing fees - banking fees - crew, and locations. - Transportations and daily meals Any contribution, starting from $10 or $20, will be greatly appreciated.The shoot is happening in October and the aim is Cannes film festival . Can you help us grow the film industry in Lebanon? What’s in it for you? In return for your support, you will receive a free ticket to the movie premiere in your country, and one lucky gold supporter will win a free trip to Cannes during the Cannes Film Festival. Special thanks to all our supporters will be shared through a link in the film credits . A thank you list to our Platinum Supporters and Gold Supporters will be in the film credits . A trailer for the movie is in the preparation phase and will be released after the initial funding milestone is reached. Your assistance would mean the world to us. Thank you very much! Thank you.

$0 raised Of $280,000

Help the children of Lebanese Mothers


Help the children of Lebanese Mothers
MASIR, a leading Lebanese NGO since 2012, advocates for families affected by Lebanon’s gender-discriminatory nationality laws and supports marginalized communities. Lebanese laws prevent children of Lebanese women married to foreigners from automatically acquiring Lebanese nationality, leaving many stateless and without basic rights. Our work with these families, particularly those with Syrian fathers, reveals a dire issue: many children of Lebanese mothers impacted by gender-discriminatory nationality laws lack identity cards, relying on individual documents or passports for residency permits. Recent Lebanese regulations have made securing these permits nearly impossible without proper identification. Economic hardships and high costs for Syrian passports exacerbate their plight, leaving them exposed to dangerous risks and worsening their living conditions. In addition, the threat of deportation to conflict-ridden Syria due to their lack of documentation poses additional threats to these children’s safety. To tackle this pressing issue, MASIR is launching a campaign to support 50 individuals in its first phase. Our goals are to: 1. Cover the fees for “zeyaret Qotor”, a special permission issued by the Syrian embassy. This permission allows people to travel to Syria to obtain essential documents or address legal matters that require their physical presence. 2. Fund travel to Syria for document procurement. 3. Cover the costs of obtaining identity documents and passports in Syria. 4. Fund their return to Lebanon with the necessary documentation to prevent statelessness. Your support can provide these vulnerable individuals with legal identity and security. Donate now to make a difference and help ensure a safer future. For more information on our work, visit our website at

$0 raised Of $30,000