Help Charbel Fight Against Mucoviscidosis- URGENT!


Help Charbel Fight Against Mucoviscidosis- URGENT!
Dear friends and community, I trust this message finds you well. My name is Grace Massaad, and it is with a heavy heart that I share the story of my son, Charbel Abou Tayeh, a 22-year-old young man currently in the hospital battling Mucoviscidosis (Cystic Fibrosis). This life-threatening condition primarily targets the lungs, and the lifeline for Charbel is a medication under the brand name of ‘Trixacar’, a treatment which without, Charbel’s life is on the verge. In Lebanon, the exclusive source for ‘Trixacar’ is ‘Droguerie Phenicia’ and the monthly supply (equivalent to one box) comes with a daunting price of $6,000. Lebanon is facing an unprecedented economic crisis, making essential medicines like ‘Trixacar’ inaccessible to many due to its burdening cost. Our healthcare system is financially underserving, and families, including ours, are navigating the challenges of affording vital chronic medical treatments. To this end, we are turning to you, our extended community, for financial support. Every contribution, however minimal, would bring us closer to ensuring Charbel receives the medication needed to halt Mucoviscidosis progression. We cannot exaggerate how needed your generous contribution is and how critical it is in shaping Charbel’s life. Please consider donating to our Fundahope campaign to help ease the medical expenses. For those who are unable to contribute through this platform, donations can be made through Western Union or WishMoney to Sandra Ablaine Achkar, reachable at +9613200069 It is only through your support that we can ensure Charbel’s access to Trixacar and the only means by which we can have Charbel fight the odds against Mucoviscidosis. We recognize that these times are challenging for everyone, but any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Please share this campaign with your network, in hopes of giving Charbel a chance to live a long healthy and happy life. Thank you for your compassion, kindness, and support. Grace Massaad

$8,023 raised Of $144,000

احترق قلبي - a Story of Revival


احترق قلبي - a Story of Revival
EN: In the heart of our community stood Chadi Elias El Hage Furniture—a store, a hub for craftsmanship, and a livelihood for many since 1991. On October 17, 2023, unforeseen violence brought the store to ashes, extinguishing the laughter and chatter it once held. Accountability was nowhere to be found... it's time we reach out to you, our strong community, through "حترق قلبي" (My Heart is Burning). Your support will not just rebuild walls but reignite the soul of Gallery Elias El Hage. This campaign is more than recovering losses; it's about revival and safeguarding. Your contributions will fund: 1. Support for Artisans and Workers: Nurturing the skilled hands that bring creations to life. 2. Equipment and Material Replacement: Ensuring the crafting of quality furniture. 3. Relocation: Moving into a new location in light of the extensive property damage and the loss of potential business opportunities Each donation propels us towards our goal. Stand with us, support us, and let's rebuild from these ashes together. AR: في قلب مجتمعنا، وقفت مؤسسة شادي إلياس الحاج للأثاث، متجرٌ، مركز للحرف اليدوية، ومصدر لرزق الكثيرين منذ عام 1991. في 17 أكتوبر 2023، حلت علينا عاصفة من العنف الغير متوقع أودت بالمتجر المحبوب، مطفئة الضحكات والمحادثات التي كانت تملأ الجو. مافي حدا يحمل المسؤولية... حان الوقت لنلتفت إليكم، مجتمعنا القوي، من خلال “احترق قلبي.” دعمكم لن يقتصر على إعادة بناء الجدران، بل سيعيد إشعال روح معرض إلياس الحاج. هذه الحملة ليست مجرد استعادة للخسائر، بل هي قصة إحياء وحماية. تساهم تبرعاتكم في: دعم الحرفيين والعمال: رعاية الأيدي الماهرة التي تبتكر الحياة في كل قطعة. استبدال المعدات والمواد: ضمان صنع أثاث يحمل بصمة الجودة. إعادة التوجيه : نقل معرض جاليري الياس الحاج إلى موقع جديد بناءً على الأضرار الواسعة في الممتلكات وفقدان الفرص التجارية المحتمل. كل تبرع يدفعنا نحو هدفنا. قفوا معنا، دعمونا، ولنعيد بناء من هذه الرماد معًا. FR: Au cœur de notre communauté se dressait Chadi Elias El Hage Furniture, un magasin, un centre artisanal et une source de subsistance pour de nombreuses familles depuis 1991. Le 17 octobre 2023, une violence inattendue a transformé notre magasin bien-aimé en cendres, étouffant les rires et les conversations qui animaient autrefois les lieux. Aucune trace de responsabilité n'était en vue.... Pour cette raison, il est temps de nous tourner vers vous, notre communauté solide, à travers "احترق قلبي" (Mon Cœur Brûle). Votre soutien ne se limite pas à la reconstruction des murs, mais vise à raviver l'âme de la Galerie Elias El Hage. Cette campagne va au-delà de la récupération des pertes ; elle est une histoire de renaissance et de préservation. Vos contributions financeront : 1. Soutien aux artisans et travailleurs : Nourrir les mains habiles qui donnent vie à nos créations. 2. Remplacement d'équipements et de matériaux : Garantir la création de meubles de qualité. 3. Relocalisation : Transférer la Gallery Elias El Hage vers un nouvel emplacement en raison des dommages considérables à la propriété et de la perte de potentielles opportunités d'affaires. Chaque don nous rapproche de notre objectif. Restez avec nous, soutenez-nous et reconstruisons ensemble à partir de ces cendres.

$300 raised Of $200,000

Illuminating a new HOPE


Illuminating a new HOPE
A Story of Grit and Hope. Who: Mohamad , a 32-year-old man from Tripoli, Lebanon, with a remarkable past. Why: Mohamad , burdened by childhood hardships and the loss of everything to addiction, seeks to reclaim his life and contribute to his community. What: Mohamad desires to pay off debts, support his family, rent a center, and restart his career in teaching and training, while ensuring his mother's well-being and access to medication. Where: Tripoli, Lebanon. When: Now, at a pivotal moment in his life, Mohamad stands ready to rebuild on the lessons learned and the resilience forged through struggles. The Story: Mohamad 's narrative is one of remarkable tenacity. From the tender age of seven, he shouldered the responsibility of supporting his family, sacrificing his childhood to the harsh realities of life. This early exposure to hardship molded him into a street-smart survivor, but the burden took its toll. By 30, Mohamad succumbed to drug addiction, losing everything he had built. However, this is not the end of Mohamad 's story. Recognizing the depths of his fall, he bravely entered treatment and emerged clean. Now, fueled by a resolute spirit and a desire to contribute, Mohamad seeks to rebuild his life and make a positive impact. The plan? To establish a training center in Tripoli, a city teeming with underprivileged youth like himself. He envisions a space where he can share his hard-earned knowledge and experience, guiding others towards a brighter future. But to make this dream a reality, Mohamad needs support. He needs to clear the debts incurred during his dark days, ensuring financial stability for himself and his family. His mother, a 66-year-old woman who has stood by him through thick and thin, deserves access to vital medication and freedom from the grip of depression. Finally, establishing the training center requires capital, a haven for vulnerable youth seeking guidance and opportunity. How You Can Help: By contributing to Mohamad 's cause, you invest in the future of vulnerable youth in Tripoli. Your support will empower Mohamad to pay off debts, provide for his family, establish his training center, and make a life-changing impact on countless individuals. Remember, a hand extended in the right moment can rewrite a story. Mohamad 's tale is a testament to the power of human resilience and the transformative potential of community support. Be a part of his journey to reclaim his life and become a beacon of hope for others.

$0 raised Of $15,000