Help the children of Lebanese Mothers


Help the children of Lebanese Mothers
حملة لاستخراج وثائق رسمية لأولاد اللبنانية السوريين حتى يستطيعوا الاستحصال على إقامة المجاملة اللبنانية. نحن جمعية "مصير" ومن خلال عملنا والتواصل الدائم مع المعنيين لاحظنا وجود مشكلة كبيرة عند عدد كبير من أولاد الأم اللبنانية المتزوجة من سوري وهي عدم حصولهم على الهوية السورية واستخدامهم لإخراج قيد فردي للاستحصال على إقامة مجاملة. وبعد القرارات الجديدة من الامن العام اللبناني أصبح من المستحيل الاستحصال على إقامة مجاملة بدون هوية أو جواز سفر، وبسبب سوء الأوضاع الاقتصادية لعدد كبير منهم ولعدم إمكانية استخراج جواز سفر من السفارة السورية في لبنان لارتفاع تكلفته، وانعدام وجود إقامة لهؤلاء ينفي عنهم صفة الوجود القانوني على الأراضي اللبنانية مما قد يعرضهم لعدد كبيرمن المشاكل ويزيد من سوء أوضاعهم الاقتصادية لعدم السماح لهم بالعمل ان لم يحصلوا عليها. وبناءً على ما سبق قررنا إطلاق حملة لمساعدة هؤلاء على استخراج الأوراق الثبوتية من خلال أولا دفع رسوم طلب الاستحصال على زيارة قطر من السفارة السورية في لبنان وبعدها مصاريف السفر الى سوريا ومصاريف الإقامة فيها وتظبيط الأوراق والحصول على الهوية وجواز السفر، كمرحلة أولى سنقوم باستهداف 50 شخص. “MASIR” Association for human rights, through our work and constant communication with the families of Lebanese women married to non-Lebanese and their children, we noticed that there is a major problem among the Syrians who are from Lebanese mothers. They don’t have an identity card, and they use an individual registration document or passport to obtain a residency permit. And after the Lebanese General Security issued a number of new rules, it became impossible to obtain a residency permit without an identity card or passport; the majority couldn’t because of the bad economic conditions among them and the inability to request passports from the Syrian embassy in Lebanon, which is expensive. The lack of residency for these people denies them legal status, which may expose them to a large number of problems and worsen their conditions. Based on the above, we decided to launch a campaign as a first stage, we will target 50 people. We will secure identification papers for these people by first paying the application fees for obtaining the permission of “zeyaret Qotor” from the Syrian embassy in Lebanon, and then the travel expenses to Syria and the expenses of preparing the papers and obtaining the identity and passport in Syria.

$0 raised Of $30,000

See More

Animal Campaigns

Education Campaigns

Inclusive Marketing Training


Inclusive Marketing Training
Our initiative aims to create a transformative opportunity for individuals with special needs by offering specialized marketing courses designed to equip them with valuable skills for the job market. Through this program, we seek to provide a pathway to employment, helping participants develop competencies in digital marketing, brand management, and market research. By investing in this program, you will help us create a more inclusive workforce and provide valuable opportunities for individuals who are often overlooked. Together, we can build a future where everyone has the chance to succeed. تهدف مبادرتنا إلى خلق فرصة تحويلية للأفراد ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة من خلال تقديم دورات تسويقية متخصصة مصممة لتزويدهم بمهارات قيمة لسوق العمل. نسعى من خلال هذا البرنامج إلى توفير طريق للتوظيف، ومساعدة المشاركين على تطوير الكفاءات في التسويق الرقمي، وإدارة العلامات التجارية، وأبحاث السوق. من خلال الاستثمار في هذا البرنامج، سوف تساعدنا في إنشاء قوة عاملة أكثر شمولاً وتوفير فرص قيمة للأفراد الذين غالبًا ما يتم تجاهلهم. معًا، يمكننا بناء مستقبل يتمتع فيه الجميع بفرصة النجاح.

$10 raised Of $40,000

Support Free Summer Workshops for Children


Support Free Summer Workshops for Children
Dear Friends and Supporters, We are reaching out to you today with an exciting opportunity to support the creative growth of children in Okaibeh, Lebanon, specifically through Hunna Arts & Culture. Okaibeh is a rural coastal village thirty minutes from the capital and lacks activities for children and adults. Hunna, the first and only women/mother artist residency in the Arab world, has been a beacon of support for women artists with their children, and the community of adults and children around it. Hunna is located in Okaibeh and has been operational since 2022. From July to September, we plan to organize 9 free workshops for kids who join us from Beirut, Okaibeh, and all of Lebanon this summer. The workshops will focus on creativity, environmental awareness, education, and fun. We believe that in these challenging times in Lebanon, providing a safe and nurturing environment for artistic expression is more crucial than ever. We aim to engage children in meaningful activities, offering them respite from daily difficulties. Since our establishment, Hunna has led many successful programs, such as residencies, public workshops, concerts, and exhibitions. We need your help to include more children to learn, create, and grow. Our first workshop kicked off on the 6th of July with a session on upcycling paper, and we are committed to making these workshops accessible to all without placing any financial burden on parents. Your generous contributions will help cover the costs of materials, facilitators, and operational expenses, ensuring that these workshops remain free of charge. Please join us in making a difference by donating to our crowdfunding campaign. Together, we can ensure that Hunna remains a thriving hub of artistic interaction and cross-cultural exchange. Thank you for your generosity and support. Hunna's Founder Flavia Juska Bechaea

$0 raised Of $3,300

Emergency Campaigns

Help the children of Lebanese Mothers


Help the children of Lebanese Mothers
حملة لاستخراج وثائق رسمية لأولاد اللبنانية السوريين حتى يستطيعوا الاستحصال على إقامة المجاملة اللبنانية. نحن جمعية "مصير" ومن خلال عملنا والتواصل الدائم مع المعنيين لاحظنا وجود مشكلة كبيرة عند عدد كبير من أولاد الأم اللبنانية المتزوجة من سوري وهي عدم حصولهم على الهوية السورية واستخدامهم لإخراج قيد فردي للاستحصال على إقامة مجاملة. وبعد القرارات الجديدة من الامن العام اللبناني أصبح من المستحيل الاستحصال على إقامة مجاملة بدون هوية أو جواز سفر، وبسبب سوء الأوضاع الاقتصادية لعدد كبير منهم ولعدم إمكانية استخراج جواز سفر من السفارة السورية في لبنان لارتفاع تكلفته، وانعدام وجود إقامة لهؤلاء ينفي عنهم صفة الوجود القانوني على الأراضي اللبنانية مما قد يعرضهم لعدد كبيرمن المشاكل ويزيد من سوء أوضاعهم الاقتصادية لعدم السماح لهم بالعمل ان لم يحصلوا عليها. وبناءً على ما سبق قررنا إطلاق حملة لمساعدة هؤلاء على استخراج الأوراق الثبوتية من خلال أولا دفع رسوم طلب الاستحصال على زيارة قطر من السفارة السورية في لبنان وبعدها مصاريف السفر الى سوريا ومصاريف الإقامة فيها وتظبيط الأوراق والحصول على الهوية وجواز السفر، كمرحلة أولى سنقوم باستهداف 50 شخص. “MASIR” Association for human rights, through our work and constant communication with the families of Lebanese women married to non-Lebanese and their children, we noticed that there is a major problem among the Syrians who are from Lebanese mothers. They don’t have an identity card, and they use an individual registration document or passport to obtain a residency permit. And after the Lebanese General Security issued a number of new rules, it became impossible to obtain a residency permit without an identity card or passport; the majority couldn’t because of the bad economic conditions among them and the inability to request passports from the Syrian embassy in Lebanon, which is expensive. The lack of residency for these people denies them legal status, which may expose them to a large number of problems and worsen their conditions. Based on the above, we decided to launch a campaign as a first stage, we will target 50 people. We will secure identification papers for these people by first paying the application fees for obtaining the permission of “zeyaret Qotor” from the Syrian embassy in Lebanon, and then the travel expenses to Syria and the expenses of preparing the papers and obtaining the identity and passport in Syria.

$0 raised Of $30,000

Help Kaia Fight Epilepsy


Help Kaia Fight Epilepsy
Dear friends and supporters, Meet Kaia, our brave 17-month-old daughter diagnosed with refractory epilepsy —the first known case in Lebanon. This rare condition has led to developmental delays and severe, refractory seizures. Kaia had her first seizure at just three months old, resulting in her first hospital admission. Since then, she has been on a challenging medical journey. Kaia relies on different medications, a feeding tube, and various types of therapies. She continues to have weekly or biweekly hospital visits and has experienced prolonged seizures lasting 40 and 20 minutes, respectively. These status seizures necessitate the use of rescue medication to prevent brain damage or death. Unfortunately, due to the situation in Lebanon, we face numerous challenges in obtaining these medications, including the rescue medication. This has been an incredibly stressful journey for our family. Recently, Kaia was admitted to the PICU twice for pneumonia. She is now on an ND-tube due to weakness in eating and failure to thrive. Kaia is non-verbal, has hypotonia, and cannot sit or walk. There is no adequate support or inclusion for her needs at the country level. Despite these immense challenges, Kaia continues to fight with incredible strength and courage. We are reaching out for your support to help us cover her mounting medical expenses, including ongoing hospital visits, treatments, and specialized care. All her medications must be bought from abroad, and future medications will heavily burden our family financially. Kaia's required medications, therapies, and equipment include(Currently and within the upcoming months): - Keppra 100mg/ml is no longer available in Lebanon. - Clobazam is not available in Lebanon. - Depakine. - Stiripentol is not available in Lebanon, with a monthly cost of 175 euros. - Finfloramine, which will require Kaia to travel abroad to try the medication, as it is highly controlled (around 10,000USD administered in Lebanon) - Rivotril and Valium as rescue medications. - Physiotherapy, psychomotor, occupational therapy, and feeding therapy on a monthly basis. - Monthly feeding machine rentals and feeding bags costs.ETC These are the main monthly expenses needed to ensure Kaia has access to the necessary medication and care. Along with long hospital stays, we also urgently use machines such as a suction machine, pulse oximeter, and oxygen. In addition, our house needs modifications to accommodate Kaia’s disabilities, as well as specialized equipment for her rare case, which doesn't exist in Lebanon. Part of this campaign aims to highlight Kaia's case alongside the nearly 20 to 40 reported cases worldwide. By doing so, we hope to raise awareness among research institutions, physicians, and caregivers about our existence. We encourage other caregivers to come forward and advocate for a treatment and, ultimately, a cure. Your generosity will make a significant difference in Kaia's life and help us provide her with the best possible care. Thank you for your kindness and support. Follow Kaia's journey on Instagram: With gratitude,

$4,843 raised Of $300,000

Events Campaigns

Family Campaigns

Help Us Clear Debt And Empower Our Future


Help Us Clear Debt And Empower Our Future
My name is Lea, and I’m reaching out to you for support during a challenging time in my life. I am working hard to overcome multiple obstacles, and your help can make a significant difference for my family and me. First and foremost, I am struggling with financial debt. Clearing these debts is essential to alleviating the constant stress and worry that come with financial instability. This will allow me to focus on creating a stable future for my family. In addition to financial support, I need help providing essential care for my family. My mother is in dire need of dental implants. She cannot wear dentures due to severe gum issues, making it difficult for her to eat properly. This not only affects her physical health but also her mental well-being and self-confidence. Dental implants would drastically improve her quality of life. I also have two cats who are very dear to me. One of them suffers from chronic kidney stones and requires special food to manage his condition. Ensuring he gets the proper care is crucial to his health and happiness. Lastly, I am seeking to empower my side hustles to stabilize our financial situation long-term. Investing in business development will enable me to create a sustainable source of income, providing security and stability for my family. Your support will help us in so many ways, from clearing debts to improving health and well-being, and securing a stable future. Any contribution, no matter how small, will have a tremendous impact. Please consider donating and sharing our campaign with others. Your kindness and generosity can help us build a brighter, more secure future. Thank you for taking the time to read our story and for any support you can offer.

$0 raised Of $15,616

Help Us Restart Our Car Rental Business


Help Us Restart Our Car Rental Business
Dear Friends and Supporters, My name is Mohamed, and I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart but also with hope for a brighter future. I am seeking your support to help me rebuild my life and my business after losing everything in the devastating war in Sudan. The war in Sudan has left a trail of destruction and heartbreak in its wake. Our family home, once a place of love and safety, is now just a memory, reduced to rubble by the relentless conflict. Along with our home, I lost my car rental business, which was the sole source of income for my family. I am the responsible of seven brothers, and we live together with our beloved mother and my sister's young son, who is only five years old. As the primary breadwinner, I have always worked hard to provide for our large family. The loss of our home and business has been devastating, leaving us struggling to meet even our most basic needs. Despite these challenges, I am determined to rebuild and create a better future for my family. My dream is to restart my car rental business, a venture that once provided us with stability and hope. With your help, I aim to purchase two cars, which will allow me to kickstart the business again and provide for my family. Each used car costs $10,000 USD, and a new car costs $30,000 USD. By purchasing two cars, either used or new, I can offer reliable services to our community and generate enough income to support my family. Restarting our car rental business will enable me to ensure that my family has access to education, proper nutrition, and a safe place to live. We are seeking to raise $60,000 USD to purchase two cars and include initial operational costs. Your generous contributions will directly impact our ability to rebuild our lives and secure a stable future for our family. We understand that these are difficult times for many, and any support you can provide will be deeply appreciated. Your donations, no matter how small, will bring us one step closer to achieving our dream of rebuilding our business and our lives. We promise to keep you updated on our progress and the positive impact your support will have on our family. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for taking the time to read our story and for considering supporting our cause. Together, we can turn our dreams into reality and rebuild a life filled with hope, dignity, and stability. With gratitude and hope, Mohamed and Family - Please contribute whatever you can to help us reach our goal. - Spread our story with your friends, family, and social networks. - Any form of support, including words of encouragement, means the world to us.

$0 raised Of $60,000

Medical Campaigns

Liver op. (Transhepatic embolization of varies)


Liver op. (Transhepatic embolization of varies)
Dear friends, I write to you with a heart overflowed with hope and a story of steady resilience. I humbly seek your support for a critical and life-altering surgery. Two years ago, I was infected with the Corona virus, and my health condition began to deteriorate. I began to suffer from blood clots in the spleen, which prevented blood from reaching the liver, which led to its cirrhosis. I had the necessary tests done and it turned out that I was suffering from bleeding, which led to a severe drop in blood. Then, after undergoing several new laboratory tests, it became clear that I was suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, an enlarged spleen, in addition to blood vessel phlegm. Also, 4 months ago, I underwent a phlebitis operation in the stomach. For those who may be concerned, the patient, Kamel Ibrahim Makari, 19 years old, suffers from cirrhosis of the liver and cirrhosis of the stomach and intestines, and he needs an urgent operation (Transhepatic embolization of varies) that costs $13,000. Note that the patient is being treated by Dr. Abbas Shams El-Din- AUB For more information please get in touch with Diala the dr's secretary: 03808551 The patient's number: 81898879 Your support is crucial to me. No donation is too small, for every gesture brings me closer to a life renewed and filled with promise. You are the ray of hope that lights up my path. Together, we can turn my dreams into reality and inspire others to persevere in the face of adversity. With heartfelt gratitude,

$157 raised Of $13,000

Help a Soul


Help a Soul
Dear friends and compassionate supporters, My name is Ghass, and I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea for assistance. I am currently facing a significant medical challenge: the need for a critical surgery to remove a tumor. This surgery is essential for my health and well-being, but the associated costs are overwhelming. Why Your Help is Crucial The tumor removal surgery involves extensive medical procedures, hospitalization, and post-operative care, all of which come with substantial expenses. Despite insurance and personal savings, there remains a significant financial gap that I cannot bridge alone. How Your Donation Will Make a Difference Every donation, no matter the size, will directly contribute to covering the medical expenses, including: Surgery costs Hospital stays Medications and treatments Follow-up appointments and care Your support will not only alleviate the financial burden but also provide me with the peace of mind needed to focus on recovery and healing. A Personal Note This journey has been incredibly challenging, but it has also shown me the strength and kindness of my community. Your generosity and support mean the world to me. Together, we can make this surgery possible and give me a chance at a healthier future. How to Donate You can contribute to my fundraiser. Every bit of support counts and brings me closer to the goal of a successful surgery and recovery. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support. Please share this campaign with your networks to help spread the word. 9800 amount of the 22,000 still remaining. With gratitude, Ghass

$0 raised Of $9,800

Sports Campaigns

4th ISKF World Shoto Cup-London, Sept. 19-22


4th ISKF World Shoto Cup-London, Sept. 19-22
For nearly 3 decades now, ISKF Lebanon continues to be a dedicated organization towards teaching the traditional Japanese martial arts of Karate-do, Aikido, & Iaido. Currently, we are training hard & working tirelessly to send a delegation, of about 40 officials, judges, competitors, & coaches, to represent Lebanon at the prestigious 4th ISKF World Shoto Cup being hosted in London, UK from Sept. 19-22. We aspire to repeat our last internationally acclaimed success in Euro 2018, where we emerged amongst the top teams in number of wins (please check the links shared here to view the videos & results). We hope that you can support us, so that we may again raise our banner high & represent our homeland with honor & pride. Of course, for full transparency & disclosure, ISKF Lebanon will share the full financial details of the donations received & the manner of their spending with any donors upon written request after the competition. Thank you in advance & best wishes (Ganbatte Kudasai) to our hardworking team! Ossu! ISKF Lebanon Please copy the links below & paste them in your URL to view: -> TO DONATE to our campaign for the 2024 Shotocup: -> See our 2018 Euro Tournament preparatory video here: -> See our 2018 Euro Tournament celebratory video here: -> See our EURO 2018 results here:

$5,898 raised Of $25,000

Environment Campaigns

Beirut Coastal Cleanup Initiative


Beirut Coastal Cleanup Initiative
My name is GP SKAFF. I work in fabrics and my passion lies in the outdoors. I am involved in many environmental campaigns, with my most recent being the ‘Beirut Coastal Clean up’/ June 2021: The Beirut Coastal Cleanup is a grassroots movement. It started in 2021 with organized weekly meetups to pick up trash around the city. Every Saturday, a group of 20 to 30 people gather to clean up and send the trash to recycling companies. The areas covered are ramlet el bayda, rawche, manara corniche, zaytouna/biel waterfront sea side corniche, ashrafieh, tabaris, hamra, mar mikhael and more. We achieved over 100 Clean ups with 3000+ Saturday daily paid workers throughout Beirut, removed more than 400,000 Liters of trash and 5000 trash bags of glass bottles, plastic bottles/bags, paper and carton, In 2023, the plan is, with the help of more funding, to expand and cover more areas. We also want to clean the underwater seabed. With the help of our sponsors and their generous donations, a total of 9800 $ in 2021 were spent on manpower, bags, equipment and transportation. In addition to a cleaner coast and beaches, the most significant impact that we have seen is that people are littering less. They now feel a sense of responsibility when seeing fellow citizens doing the work. Help us reach our goal by investing in our environmental movement. The results are real! so you can rest assured your donation is creating a tangible impact on our planet for years to come! In 2023 our plans are: Project1: Beirut coast and city clean up Unfortunately, as per Ramco’s contract, they are not required to remove garbage from any area that is not a road and a side walk. This leaves dramatic results of uncleaned spaces such as those surrounding private properties, as well as parks, governmental and municipality land and spaces, mountains, etc. Since June 2021 a team of 20 to 30 people have been paid every Saturday wages to clean those areas. Our target is to increase the teams to 50 people (5 teams of 10), and to increase their wages to 20$ a day. Cost per day for 1 team of 10: 200$ + miscellaneous Cost per day for 5 teams of 10: 1000$ + miscellaneous Cost of 52 Saturdays with 1 team: 10,400$ + miscellaneous Cost of 52 Saturdays with 5 teams: 52000$ + miscellaneous Miscellaneous cost per Saturday : transportation 100$, equipment 50$, management ( hr & operation) Please see attached cost sheet Project 2: Beirut Underwater seabed cleanup More and more garbage and plastic end up in our sea and destroying marine fauna and marine life. Our project here is to pay 2 divers (Fouad and Zahi from Manara port, professional divers and fishermen), to clean up the seabed from Rawche to Aub and eventually expand further. And especially the Rawche caves where some seal or more live there. Main Cost is 50$ per diver per day + miscellaneous Please see attached cost sheet of this project Project 3: Rangers to clean and monitor Unfortunately, with the absence of municipality responsibility we have seen many areas where people gather daily and leave their trash. We already have 2 full time rangers that are responsible and feel the sense of ownership of the manara beach and the Aub beach. They are paid monthly to clean these beaches daily. Our target is to increase these rangers to 6 to cover Ramlet el Bayda and Ashrafieh parks 9 tabaris and saint Nicolas). Main cost is 400$ salary per month per ranger + miscellaneous. Please see attached cost sheet Social entrepreneurship goals: To help some people get a little money To clean our land and sea To decrease littering of people To decrease the plastic waste that is or will end up in our sea and harm the marine life Recycle garbage that if not removed will end up in our sea The total cost of the whole forecasted project is over 100,000$, but with any fund we receive we will do the outmost out of it. So any donation will be much appreciated. I hope to receive a positive feedback from you. With best regards GP

$400 raised Of $25,000

Light up the streets of Douma- ضووا شوارع دوما


Light up the streets of Douma- ضووا شوارع دوما
Following the initiative of Inara Douma, in cooperation with the local community and Douma Municipality; Digne-Les-Bains- Douma Twinning Association is launching a fundraising campaign to light up the streets of Douma. The campaign focuses on providing special LED lamps to households, allowing residents to connect these lamps to their solar powered houses and illuminate the surrounding streets, or to provide solar-powered lamps in areas with limited access to electricity. Due to the extended power outage, the streets of Douma have been in the dark for a few years now, which makes it difficult for people and businesses to carry out their daily activities after sunset. As we all know, access to electricity is essential for the growth and development of any community. Additionally, with well lighten streets, we can reduce the risk of accidents and improve the security of the neighborhoods. Last but not least, the summer season is approaching, lightening the streets will also help in boosting the tourism and the economy, giving back to Douma the reputation that it always held, a pioneer in the community work and one of the most beautiful villages in Lebanon. Hand in hand, our beloved village Douma is coming back to light with clean, green, renewable energy. Thank you in advance for your contribution and for any more information about this campaign, please contact Zeina Sawaya ( [email protected]).

$918 raised Of $5,000

Other Campaigns