Solidarité Liban

Solidarity with Lebanon

Solidarité Liban
Hello les ami.e.s, Je m'appelle Hind Hamdan, je suis Libanaise et Française, actuellement basée à Beyrouth. Au cours des deux derniers mois, le Liban a traversé l'une de ses pires crises humanitaires en raison des attaques israéliennes en cours. Près de 3 500 personnes ont été tuées, plus de 15 000 blessées, et environ 1,2 million de personnes ont été déplacées jusqu'à présent. Dans l'absence totale du gouvernement intérimaire et le manque de financement suffisant pour faire face à la crise, de nombreuses initiatives communautaires, existantes ou nouvellement créées, ont pris les devants pour soutenir les personnes déplacées en leur fournissant un abri, de la nourriture, des médicaments, des vêtements, ainsi que des activités éducatives et récréatives pour les enfants. Je suis en contact direct avec plusieurs de ces initiatives et j’ai déjà collecté des fonds pour certaines d’entre elles. Comme vous le savez peut-être, plus la crise se prolonge, moins les financements sont disponibles. Nous avons besoin de votre soutien. L’hiver approche et les besoins sont immenses. Tout soutien que nous pourrons recevoir sera crucial pour aider ceux qui affrontent des épreuves inimaginables en ce moment. Si vous ne pouvez pas faire de don mais souhaitez tout de même aider, veuillez envisager de partager ce message avec d’autres personnes qui pourraient être intéressées à contribuer. Plus nous pourrons diffuser ce message largement, plus nous pourrons rassembler de soutien pour ceux qui en ont besoin. Une fois la collecte de fonds terminée, tous les fonds seront redistribués en fonction de l’urgence et des besoins des initiatives suivantes : 1- Livraison quotidienne d'articles essentiels aux familles déplacées - Repas chauds et produits de première nécessité - Médicaments et traitements médicaux - Produits menstruels - Lait infantile - Vêtements d'hiver et chauffage Lien pour les deux initiatives: a. b. 2- Soutien aux enfants déplacés et à leur santé mentale : - Distribution de sacs-cadeaux avec des fournitures artistiques - Fourniture de mini-bibliothèques dans les écoles transformées en refuges Un lien pour l'initiative 3. Fourniture d’assistance aux travailleuses domestiques migrantes, souvent négligées et particulièrement vulnérables en cette période. Hello friends, My name is Hind Hamdan, I am Lebanese and French, currently based in Beirut. Over the past two months, Lebanon has gone through one of its worst humanitarian crises due to ongoing Israeli attacks. Nearly 3,500 people have been killed, over 15,000 injured, and about 1.2 million people have been displaced so far. In the complete absence of the interim government and the lack of sufficient funding to address the crisis, many community initiatives, both existing and newly created, have stepped up to support displaced people by providing shelter, food, medicine, clothing, as well as educational and recreational activities for children. I am in direct contact with several of these initiatives, and I have already raised funds for some of them. As you may know, the longer the crisis lasts, the less funding becomes available. We need your support. Winter is approaching, and the needs are immense. Any support we can receive will be crucial in helping those facing unimaginable hardships right now. If you are unable to make a donation but still want to help, please consider sharing this message with others who might be interested in contributing. The more widely we can spread this message, the more support we can gather for those in need. Once the fundraising is complete, all funds will be redistributed based on the urgency and needs of the following initiatives: 1. Daily delivery of essential items to displaced families - Hot meals and basic necessities - Medicine and medical treatments - Menstrual products - Baby formula - Winter clothing and heating Links for the two initiatives: a. 2. Support for displaced children and their mental health - Distribution of gift bags with art supplies - Providing mini-libraries in schools turned into shelters A link for the initiative: 3. Providing assistance to migrant domestic workers, who are often neglected and especially vulnerable during this period.

$4,930 raised Of $5,000

Essential help for Lebanese Displaced Families

Solidarity with Lebanon

Essential help for Lebanese Displaced Families
لقد عملت يوميًا على ما مدى شهرين لمساعدة أهالينا النازحين من البقاع والجنوب وبيروت وكافة المدن التي نُكِبت جرّاء الحرب والقصف العنيف. رأيت من خسر بيته وأفراد من عائلته وجميع ثروته التي خزنها في المنزل الذي دُمِّر (بسبب فقدان اللبنانيين الثقة بالبنوك جرّاء الإنهيار الإقتصادي ، خبّأ أغلب الشعب اللبناني ما يملك من نقود ودهب في المنزل). رأيت أهلي وناسي وشعب الكرامة يفترش الطرقات ويصطفّ ليحصل على الحليب لطفله.. ولكم أن تتخيّلوا ما شاهدت من كوارث صعبٌ وصفها. لكنني بفضل الله وبفضلكم استطعت أن أأوي أكثر من ٥ عائلات تحت سقف منزل وأعيل أكثر من ٥٠ عائلة وتأمين الأدوية المزمنة إلى أكثر من ١٠٠ شخص على مدى الشهرين الماضيين . وبسبب نقص المساعدات التي تصل إلى المناطق المستهدفة والخطرة، كنت أذهب أسبوعيًا إلى منطقة منهم للمساعدة قدر الإمكان. لم تزل الحرب على لبنان مستمرّة ولم يزل أهلنا بحاجة للمساعدة من : تأمين إيجارات البيوت التي سبق إستئجارها إلى تأمين الحليب والحفاضات للرضّع إلى الأدوية المزمنة للمسنّين. كل ١$ يحدث فارقًا، نحن ما زلنا بأمسّ الحاجة إليكم . نعمل جاهدين ليلًا نهارًا لإيصال تبرّعاتكم وتوثيقها . أجركم عند الله كبير إن شاء الله 🙏🏻 - سِلين غندور

$215 raised Of $10,000

Help my family survive and evacuate Gaza


Help my family survive and evacuate Gaza
I am Sanaa's father.. After we emerged from death.. After our house was destroyed, My wife, my one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, and I were expelled by the occupation from northern Gaza and forced to flee on November 11, 2023. We became homeless, without clothing, and without food. Now we live in a tent made of nylon and we are trying to survive in it despite the severe cold and rain. My daughter is getting cold and I cannot provide her with a blanket, clothes, or diapers. Because of the war, I have become unemployed. My family has no income and I cannot provide less than you can imagine for my family due to the high cost of goods and the huge increase in prices. My father, who is also 62 years old, is a war victim and has chronic diseases and is a patient with asthma and pneumonia. He needs continuous treatment and I cannot provide it for him. The money we are seeking to collect will serve two vital purposes. First, it will enable my family to escape the horrors of war in Gaza, and provide them with the necessary means to seek safety in a safer environment. Secondly, the money will be instrumental in rebuilding our lives, whether in Gaza after the war or elsewhere, where peace and stability provide an opportunity for a new beginning. This includes the urgent medical treatment my father needs. We are appealing for your kindness and humanity to help my father and my family during this critical time. Your generosity can provide them with a lifeline, helping them escape the dangers of war and begin the journey towards healing and rebuilding their lives. Please donate even a little for my family because your donation makes a huge difference in our lives. I am here today to ask for your help so that my family can survive and be evacuated from this war and reach true safety and peace. I understand that we are all going through difficult times, so anything helps.. whether it is your love and support, a donation, sharing my story, or sending love, prayers, positive and healing vibes. All is accepted and greatly appreciated.

$2,142 raised Of $10,000